Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Second Poem

Trouble times

Cold drifts upon my troubled face
Deep sin buried within with disgrace
Facing society with history not erase
Bitter waste in my tongue I taste
For I must traverse this winding maze
Hoping a good future will show up in pace
Peaceful tranquil must prevail against,
All obstacles that come my way.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My first poem

Woo Woo Sea Breeze blowing, sunset scene.
Calm mind thinking, looking for a win.
Wedding bells ringing, I hope you will be my queen.
Longing to be together, my only love to win.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Writing eBooks and publishing on Amazon via KDP

Writing eBooks and publishing on Amazon via KDP

After several months of toying with Amazon's KDP (Kindle self-publishing tool), and published 3 ebooks. Sales has not been promising.  It could be a myriad of factors that contributed to the non-existent sales.

I shall attempt to analyse the failure below :

1. Subject matter too generic and over crowded
2.  Copy-writing of the description is insufficient to attract buyers
3.  Length of ebook too short. - consider to bump up to 40 to 50 pages
4.  Insufficient marketing.

I do have a friend who managed to post his 56 pages book up and within 4 days sold about 3 ebooks. Thats so much better performance than mine

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Remember the 1973 film based on the novel written by Michael Crichton ?

Now it is a TV series.... 2 episodes so far, but certainly entertaining.  Robots in an amusement theme park for Humans to play without consequences. But of course things will go wrong, and robots go haywire....

Give it a watch and tell me what you think of the new series.....

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Clean air doesnt have to be expensive

You can simply build a cheap air purifier for home use !! \ Problem is I cant find a box fan in Singapore

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hungry Ghost Month at Smith Street (aka Food Street) / Chinatown Singapore

NingPeh tell you hor, 7th month at Chinatown very happening one.. lots of burning and offering !

Equality of Opportunity

The children of the rich and powerful are increasingly well suited to earning wealth and power themselves. 
More people are poorer than fewer rich people (see The Global Weath Pyramid above).
Yet, the more people there are at the bottom, the opportunities available to them become lesser and lesser. Whilst opportunities for the few rich and power at the top of the pyramid are much more abundant. That's just how the world is built.  Rich and Powerful people have more resources to invest and make more money, while the poor people have much fewer choices to make money. 

Do you have any thoughts about this? Please comment.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How many half-years do you have in your life left?


If we say our average lifespan is 80 years of age, and you are already 40 yrs old, you only have 80 Half-Years left in your life.  This is a very real thing, time flies you by quicker than you can say how many half-years you have left.  This year 2016, already 8 months have flown by.  How many more half-years do you have left.

This wakes us up, to have more urgency to do the things we really want to do. Prioritize and execute your dreams today.

Friday, August 12, 2016

JayJun Facemasks

JayJun Facemasks

Yes, my first shipment of JayJun Facemasks has arrived
A three step process.  Any interest in the product, please contact me ;)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tranquil Delight

Tranquil Delight

Dim lights, ambient music, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach. Tranquil delight.
It is a good environment for self-thoughts and projection of good thoughts, asking the universe to provide the abundance we desire.
The law of attraction does not discriminate good nor bad thoughts. So just project all the good ones and get ready to take action and receive the fruit.
Eyes closed, deep breaths, inner peace, tranquil delight.

I am in a plight that is hard to resolve, and survival is on the line. So thinking about abundance seems like a difficult task, given that basic necessities cannot even be met.  I pray for the appearance of a saviour or event, but time is not on my side.
With each passing day, the landscape looks dimmer and dimmer, and dwindling survival rate.

You can see how tranquil delight is replaced with fear and desperation so quickly in my thoughts.  My emotion is like a roller coaster, moving suddenly in opposite directions. Such state of emotions can hardly attract positive energies.
So I decided to write them out as a journal, as a way to calm myself and reflect on what I'm doing so I can correct the wrong things or thoughts.

The continuity of these text may be erratic due to the way my thoughts are moving. But bare with me, as I tell you the story of a simple man who just want to live a simple life.

NingPeh shall reveal all.................................

Monday, July 25, 2016

Ning Peh Tell You about Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go has been downloaded and installed at the regions that it has launched.  Incidents/Accidents had already happened.  This could be worse than the selfies age.  Robbers plant themselves at pokemon locations to trap and rob players. Kids do silly things just to get to the Pokemon.

But Ning Peh tell you, this is going to be a massive advertising revenue stream. Imagine McDonalds pay to put a rare pokemon at their premises... many Kids will go to Mcdonald just to catch to Pokemon, and perhaps my a McMeal.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Amazon

Kindle Direct Publishing

Over the years, there are more and more direct publishers out there, all trying to capitalize on demand on information that is publishing at Amazon's private eco-system of digital content.

Just searching on Youtube alone, you can find several people telling you can make a living out of Kindle publishing. 

My take on the matter is, unless you are very good and writing and have a passion for writing, it will be very hard to be successful, unless you only focused on re-deploying public domain information in a more comprehensive format for Kindle users. One such niche is the cooking recipe book.

Being in Singapore, Ning Peh are not offered the choice of buying Kindle nor Kindle books. But I guess I'm still allowed to publish to Kindle enabled regions. 

I am also waiting for a friend who will be attending an eBook publishing class - let's see what tips he'll get on how to become best-seller on Amazon KDP.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ning Peh Tell You about Silvery Facemask

Ning Peh Tell you about Face Mask


Top rated facemasks from Korea is the rave..... 

SNP Bird Nest's mask is made in Japan has is also a good moisturising mask.

A.C.H. Hydra Soother Mask. Put in fridge to get the themal indicator on the package to green for optimal results.

Ning Peh will start importing the JayJun's brand (shown above) first, and see how is the eCommerce marketplace doing in Singapore.  Then will slowly expand range of products....  looking for interested people to partner also...   ning peh tell you sure make money.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Forex investment - Can Meh?

Meh Meh... says the sheep(s) when a forex program is introduced. Promises a hefty return of 11% Per Month.

Ning Peh also scratch head and wonder here, and wonder there.... almost like Wonder Woman already!

But if such schemes would work, we can really make our money work hard.... and return a goof passive income monthly.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My Mr Big Stupid

Inspiration. Blogging or writing an article such as this one needs inspiration.  Thats what LeeTaHSaR said. Hence we may still wait for some length of time before he can get any inspiration these days.

So let Ning Peh Tell You...... Inspiration must be wielded on demand, in order to be the paper tiger, where the pen is more powderful than the sword.

Meanwhile, my other technology blog everythingbinary although is getting tons of hits, but the amount of time they stayed on the page is so short, it felt like robots doing the job.  Certainly not what I've hoped for.

Hopefully, the traffic coming here will be genuine, and a followers cult shall soon be borned. Which reminded me to go watch Jason Bourne ....

So as an author, I must be self-inspiring, and the article must also inspire readers to do more... like making comments, or even contribute to this form of social media.

Now back to porn on Tumblr..... opps.. falling asleep.... wheres my ins..pirat...tion ???????

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

LeeTahSar is Back


Yes... you heard me ! The infamous LeeTahsar is making a comeback.Featuring me (Wo Ai Ni) as side-kick ! wooo hooo.....

My research shows that any decent blog article must have at least 500 words, so I hope this welcome message will serve as a good kick-off.  We name this blog "Ning Peh Tell You". For those folks who are not local to Singapore, "ning peh" means "I'm your father" spoken in a local dialect that has a form of proudness or sarcasm.  For example, "Ning Peh tell you, this bread is delicious".  Means, I'm of authority to say that this bread is delicious.

LeeTahSar is a friend of mine, and apparently,  he has stir up quite alot of "shit" in his upheaval blog.
I think it is time for a more organized version of his blog. And it shall serve as more a humour blog than anything serious.

A laugh a day keeps the doctor away..... Come and follow us on a journey of laughter and wackiness.