Friday, October 28, 2016

Second Poem

Trouble times

Cold drifts upon my troubled face
Deep sin buried within with disgrace
Facing society with history not erase
Bitter waste in my tongue I taste
For I must traverse this winding maze
Hoping a good future will show up in pace
Peaceful tranquil must prevail against,
All obstacles that come my way.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My first poem

Woo Woo Sea Breeze blowing, sunset scene.
Calm mind thinking, looking for a win.
Wedding bells ringing, I hope you will be my queen.
Longing to be together, my only love to win.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Writing eBooks and publishing on Amazon via KDP

Writing eBooks and publishing on Amazon via KDP

After several months of toying with Amazon's KDP (Kindle self-publishing tool), and published 3 ebooks. Sales has not been promising.  It could be a myriad of factors that contributed to the non-existent sales.

I shall attempt to analyse the failure below :

1. Subject matter too generic and over crowded
2.  Copy-writing of the description is insufficient to attract buyers
3.  Length of ebook too short. - consider to bump up to 40 to 50 pages
4.  Insufficient marketing.

I do have a friend who managed to post his 56 pages book up and within 4 days sold about 3 ebooks. Thats so much better performance than mine

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Remember the 1973 film based on the novel written by Michael Crichton ?

Now it is a TV series.... 2 episodes so far, but certainly entertaining.  Robots in an amusement theme park for Humans to play without consequences. But of course things will go wrong, and robots go haywire....

Give it a watch and tell me what you think of the new series.....